Switchable PBR - STD issues

The EEVEE / cycles test exporters are fairly operational (publishing of JSON exporter hopefully today). I did not want to clog up the testing topic, so asking this here. I am using one of my old scenes, which I converted to cycles.

Both the javascript & json exporters produce an identical result when exporting as STD.as%20STD

When PBR output is switched to, I am getting different results. This is out of generated javascript:as%20PBR%20JS

This looks reasonable, considering no environment texture is being loaded. This is the material in nodes:

This is what the json produces in the sandbox:
The buttons, which are just using the diffuse node, look close to the same, but the texture mesh looks wrong or at least different. The javascript version code:

material = scene.getMaterialByID("mesh_parent.Gingerbread");
if (!material){
    material = new BABYLON.PBRMaterial("mesh_parent.Gingerbread", scene);
    material.reflectivityColor = new QI.C(.5,.5,.5);
    material.roughness = .5;
    material.alpha = 1;
    material.indexOfRefraction = 1.45;
    material.metallic = .5;
    material.backFaceCulling = true;
    material.checkReadyOnlyOnce = false;
    material.maxSimultaneousLights = 4;
    texture = new BABYLON.Texture(resourcesRootDir + "mesh_parent_Gus_TEXTURE.jpg", scene, false, true, BABYLON.Texture.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, onTexturesLoaded, onTextureError);
    texture.hasAlpha = false;
    texture.level = 1;
    texture.coordinatesIndex = 0;
    texture.coordinatesMode = 0;
    texture.uOffset = 0;
    texture.vOffset = 0;
    texture.uScale = 1;
    texture.vScale = 1;
    texture.uAng = 0;
    texture.vAng = 0;
    texture.wAng = 0;
    texture.wrapU = 0;
    texture.wrapV = 0;
    material.albedoTexture = texture;
    material.useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture = false;
    texture = new BABYLON.Texture(resourcesRootDir + "mesh_parent_Gus_NORMALS.jpg", scene, false, true, BABYLON.Texture.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, onTexturesLoaded, onTextureError);
    texture.hasAlpha = false;
    texture.level = 1;
    texture.coordinatesIndex = 0;
    texture.coordinatesMode = 0;
    texture.uOffset = 0;
    texture.vOffset = 0;
    texture.uScale = 1;
    texture.vScale = 1;
    texture.uAng = 0;
    texture.vAng = 0;
    texture.wAng = 0;
    texture.wrapU = 0;
    texture.wrapV = 0;
    material.bumpTexture = texture;
} else material.markDirty();

The relevant json looks like extra (line feeds added):


Beyond the .hasAlpha being different (I manually changed to matching, but no effect), they look the same to me. Why is the output not?

Well, assuming sandbox was using preview BJS, I changed to preview for the js page. It was not a factor. The js-pbr page still looks gold-ish.

Look really close at the json, it says diffuseTexture, not albedoTexture. With that fixed & hasAlpha now outputting a boolean. It works. publishing eminent.

You rock!