@ nasimiasl绝地大师
What part of the code you write deals with line
It’s not a very obvious line, and it’s a little jagged, so I want to fix it to make it a little bit more obvious
line : 201 change var l = 0.0005; to var l = 0.00015; // line stroke
and line : 213
result.xyz =vec3(length(res)vec3(0.,0.5,0.9)+
min( 0.15 , 5.(abs(res.x-res2.x)+abs(res.y-res2.y)+abs(res.z-res2.z))));
0.15 is line opacity
Sorry!I feel that this method may not achieve the desired effect. Can we use texture sampling? I feel that the scene I sent you before seems to be useful for texture sampling https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#4AJ16M#94
if you are worried about the lines being jagged, could always toss a smoothstep calc in there or do a couple extra passes on the shader to sample the neighbors and smooth everything out with some AA.
Another option is do your custom shader pass then add a post process to AA it.
@nasimiasl great work dude, that shader is really really close to the example! I think if ran works on it a little bit he will have winner.
Its kinda hard to understand the ShaderBuilder stuff though.
I am looking at how this is implemented, I want to use it for reference, this is the effect implemented with threejs, I guess the effect I want, it may be surface painting, the interior should be hollow https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#4AJ16M#103
@ nasimiasl绝地大师
hey, can you simplify the redundant wireframe, without displaying the wireframe inside, and the color is a little more natural, like this