Unable to load Gaussian Splatting

I can’t see anything and there are no mistakes.
Gaussian Splatting demo


It works on my side, I can see a duck sitting on a box. Maybe you have a bad internet connection ? Since the .ply is 59 MB, it could take a while…

++ :slight_smile:

Does load here as well, on the desktop and on the mobile.
You could also try to load the .ply into SuperSplat first and save it as a .splat model.
Thats a bit more optimized to reduce data.

Sorry, I placed the wrong connection.I have updated the demo URL.

Hi, September 2 2024 my babylone.js coded viewer for gaussian splatting ply and splat worked but today September 4th it does not anymore. Was there an update of something I missed?

I use:

<script src="https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.babylonjs.com/loaders/babylon.glTF2FileLoader.js"></script>

cc @Cedric

Hi @Stephane_Vogley

Yes, GS loading has changed to be more consistent with the rest of the engine. see updated documentation. I’m working on preserving back compatibility.


cc @bitbybit-dev

EDIT: This PR will bring back back compatibility but note these loading methods are now deprecated. GSplat consistency by CedricGuillemet · Pull Request #15515 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

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