[Unity toolkit] Game object mesh

Still wrong here… But the video i talk about the details of whats what…

I.E. Should be

const swap:any = this.getProperty("swap");

But here is the video… Please watch… it will clear up a few things for you :slight_smile:

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Yes I fully understand the Toolkit and what is needed now after spending some time last week reading the source, I just didn’t know it won’t access a object if it’s off in the Unity inspector, I thought I was doing something wrong.

Honestly thank you so much for all your help and the video, I figured a workaround would be set the visibility at start and then when the user clicks on the object set the isVisible back to true:

            var swap:BABYLON.AbstractMesh = this.getProperty("swap", null);
            if(swap != null){
                const meshid:string = swap.id;
                this.scene.getMeshByID(meshid).isVisible = false;

I wasn’t able to get the unity Inspector mesh renderer to work when I clicked it off.

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