VATs thinInstance vertex buffer count maximum warning:
Vertex buffer count (9) exceeds the maximum number of vertex buffers (8).
Hi @zhangyahan
This is because the mesh you import already have 7 buffers, (8 is maximum)
ThinInstancing and VAT baking adds 5 more, exceeding the limit
// before
(7) ['position', 'normal', 'tangent', 'uv', 'color', 'matricesIndices', 'matricesWeights']
// after
(12) ['position', 'normal', 'tangent', 'uv', 'color', 'matricesIndices', 'matricesWeights', 'world0', 'world1', 'world2', 'world3', 'bakedVertexAnimationSettingsInstanced']
You can check using this function
console.log( mesh.getVerticesDataKinds() )
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