Weasel Words - our Typing of the Dead clone for Ludum Dare 49 Game Jam entry

We, Foxdog Studios, entered another Ludum Dare Game Jam with a Babylon.js game. This one is a PSX style typing of the dead clone.

Play it in your browser here

The PSX graphics were fun to implement (not very cleverly done, we used engine.setHardwareScalingLevel(2) for lower resolution and then converted the “bleed” part of a godot VHS filter for a custom post processing pipeline.

Was also our first true attempt at using armatures/skeleton animations. All the game world data and animations are in one gltf file exported from blender, using the names of meshes a basic tagging system, e.g. a mesh wil be called Weasel.Lvl7.PhysicsBox and we can regex for properties using that. The workflow is not sophisticated and it seems there is a limit on object names in blender, but it’s pretty fast to iterate on simple levels.

Also wow does babylon load faster than these unity web games. We’ve had developers be perplexed about how “instant” it is to play the game compared to waiting on the unity loader.

Aside from babylon, we used React for the UI and SAM.js for the text to speech.

Hope you enjoy.


I LOVE IT !!! @PirateJC will be a huge fan for sure

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FOXDOG! Oh man I adore your games!

Well done @Lloyd_Henning and team!

Any objections to us posting this on the community page and tweeting about it?

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Haha, thanks! No objections to sharing here!

Exceptional! Love it

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And added to the community page:

Should be live in a few minutes

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I’m not a fast typer by any means (just look at my score!), but…

I LOVE the atmosphere of this! It’s so absurd and unique in the best way! Every time the “gatekeepers” went “hey bud” with that fun robot voice I was like I love you and will protect you forever :pleading_face:

Great work!