WebNatives.app - BabylonJs power!

Hello wonderful BabylonJs community,

I am Luís, the one man freak show behind https://webnatives.app and I am ( scared) proud to present to you my pet project WebNatives. Still a work in progress but hopefully will be open to real users registrations soon.

Goal!? - Create a place to build from the web to the web and have fun coding

Development should be fun!

BabylonJS has been a boost for me to keep working on this project! Why you may ask? For almost 10 years I’ve focused on 2D game development and engines and never found anything I was comfortable using for 3D… I nearly abandoned the project… but then I found BabylonJS and this amazing community of devs and I felt I should keep it going. Web development is fun and BabylonJs makes it even greater fun! I thank all the team behind this amazing endeavour, for your efforts and continuous support. From the bottom of my :heart: Thank you!

Explore content in https://explorer.webnatives.app

Play the game current build for AG Racing

  1. Mobile control an responsive layout. Keyboard controls: asdw or arrows and spacebar to boost. Physics a bit weird. No physics engine used. Will be adding more games in the https://explorer.webnatives.app/ asap.

PS: this is not my real job so delays should be expected as I’ve been solo working on this for the last 7+ years :sweat_smile:


That’s great work! Working on a solo passion project is really hard and I’m proud of you for keeping going :slight_smile: I remember your racer and love to see the progress on it!

1 Like

Thank you Carol. That means the world to me.
Keep up the good work!

:heart: BabylonJS!


Sorry for the delay on the update.
I’ts has been a crazy year so far. I am all in in BabylonJs game dev scene now.

A small preview of the ‘current’ status on the game. @Cedric’s track material been kicking my ass for a while now. :sweat_smile:

I’ve been focusing on creating a full game dev pipeline with my playground at webnatives.app. I am the only user in it so I can mess things up as I wish. I am planning to breakdown everything and share the complete dev cycle once the game gets released. ( Kindly ignore the overall UI L&F :rofl:)

Currently my goal is to have a framework to quickly reuse all the game development barebones along with the amazing rendering BJS provides.
Providing a solid applicational architecture than can scale the product with best practices and with the one that makes me love BJS… wait for it… “Backwards compatibility!” and like @Deltakosh mentioned in the latest podcast series… with no bugs in it. :grinning:

I’ll do my best to keep this updated… but hey I am OneFlagStudio… a one man show. I can only do so much eheheh. :hugs:

If you are really into testing this just head to https://explorer.webnatives.app/ to check the demos out and this link to play current AG build for this in particular.


Presentation video:

Also there is a built in BJS template ready to spin in less than a blink of an eye.


BabylonJS Template Preview

Template source Github

Template documentation

Colyseus demo
(ECS’ish BJS :heart: COLYSUES)[WebNatives - Explorer]
WASD to move

Can be played with ( PIXI :heart: COLYSEUS)[WebNatives - Explorer] because it uses same backend and also shares a lot of the client code apart from the rendering.

Everything is open sourced and can be used locally using the (Standalone Devkit)[GitHub - webnativesapp/standalone-devkit: Webnatives.app standalone cloud developer devkit]