Hello there !
It’s been a long time. Congrats for all the big work.
Im happy to see that a tutorial page i wrote about raycasts is still here.
Im just browsing the new website and docs.
And I feel that its not very convenient. The content in the middle has not a lot of space, mostly in API section
If we compare with the old version of the website that we find in chinese address, its obvious :
I like this kind of page very clear with wide space.
Im limited to two links coz im new user on this forum.
We see this kind if we compare to Unity or Three.js doc.
It could be interesting to let the possibility to access this old style version of website and docs in english version.
The new site has a responsive layout which is driving the css layout by the width of the screen. This does make the API page a long scroll on a mobile device, but we need to be able to make the links clickable by a finger on a smaller screen so a single column layout is necessary.
Can you show me with a screen capture what you are seeing because it does not appear on my devices that we have any less room in the center column than the old layout.
@PatrickRyan This is what i see.
I have a laptop 17’, windows 10 and Chrome. (Firefox is kinda the same).
Zoom is at 100% and size of text is average. Maybe thats the difference ?
I have also a little idea. We could highlight the most useful classes by letting them in the middle but also make an other list on top in one line named Important classes including : Scene, AbstractMesh, Mesh, Vector3, Quaternion and some others…