Hi everyone,
I’m fairly new to Babylon, but I really like the potential. I’m coming from more of an art background, but I’m getting up to speed with Javascript and I already have a solid foundation in html and css. I also know Unity and Unreal fairly well and some c++.
As I’m getting up to speed with Babylon, I’m finding things a bit fragmented. So I’m coming here to see if I can get a few answers to questions I’ve been having.
- What is the purpose of the editor and why is in not featured more prominently on the site? Where does code created in the editor sit in relation to the javascript project? Is there a way to export the javascript or is that all contained within the .babylon file?
- What is the advantage of using a .babylon file vs a .gltf or .glb?
- I’m pretty proficient with Blender, but I’m wondering if I should be using the 2.79 babylon exporter or the 2.8 version? From what I’ve seen, the 2.79 version seems to be more fully featured.
- What is the best practice for setting up an interactive project? Is it loading/appending a glb/gltf/babylon file into your scene and then access elements within it to run interaction? Or if it’s possible, is it best to just put everything into a .babylon file?
- What is the best way to edit a .babylon file? I opened one in visual studio code and it looked like it was minified.
Thanks in advance everyone.