What module needs imported for occlusion related Mesh properties to be available?

What module needs imported for occlusion related Mesh properties to be available?

Specifically, properties such as ‘occlusionQueryAlgorithmType’ , ‘occlusionType’ , and ‘isOccluded’ don’t appear on Mesh type in my local dev, where I use Babylon modules.

Examples in documentation:

Hey there, welcome to the forum. :slight_smile: Here’s the import statement you need for those properties. There’s a list in the documentation at the end of the FAQ that tells which modules are needed to enable various features. But @RaananW it looks like there’s a discrepancy where the doc says “engine.occlusionQuery” but really it’s “engine.query”.

import "@babylonjs/core/Engines/Extensions/engine.query";


Thank you very much Blake.

Will solve this first thing tomorrow. Thanks for reporting!

This was updated. thanks again :slight_smile:

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