Will there be a non-wasm version of Havok in the future? There are some runtime without wasm support

Moreover, it seems that the V2 physics API is largely designed around Havok, such as one body has only one shape, body and instanceIndex.
So it’s not easy to binding classic physics engines.

@Cedric can talk more about that.

No plan to have non-wasm version for the moment.
The V2 API is designed around Havok but we kept in mind classic Physics engine concepts: Body, Shape, Material. These concepts can be found is all other engines. Even the Body dynamics/Kinematic/Static concept can be found in Physics and Ammo.


Thanks for the reply.
By using shape.addChild, I solved the problem, even though shapes are actually siblings.
But in terms of api design, I think V2 is better than V1.
Perhaps my understanding of the V2 API is still limited, and I look forward to seeing more examples with the new physics API in the future.

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Havok Wasm breaks in Safari:

RuntimeError: Aborted(CompileError: WebAssembly.Module doesn't parse at byte 338: can't get 0th Type's return value). Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.

It’s been happening off and on for people:

I’m not sure if it would fix the problem, but would it make sense to also build and ship a plain JavaScript variant of Havok using Emscripten WASM=0? Or would the JavaScript output have the same issue?

I’ve seen this error with older version of Safari. Are you using latest available version?

Happens to me on iPhone 13 with iOS 16.6.

I’ve just udpated and tested my iPhone 11 with iOS 16.6 and https://theplayroom.babylonjs.com/ works fine with Safari.

Yeah, works fine some people, not others (on my same team).

We switched back to Rapier, for now.