3D lenticular screen compatibility

I know this is a very specific question that might be hard to answer, but:

My workplace is looking into buying some 3D stereoscopic lenticular monitors using e.g. Asus Spatial Vision, which as most 3D screens are afaik is based on Leia technology. These screens are not traditional e.g. red-blue stereoscopy, they use special screens to show 3D without need of glasses or anything.

Would babylon.js work with these screens? Would I need to set it up somehow and if so with what?

I unfortunately can’t test this out - as the screens cost +1k each, and the decision of getting them or not will partially rest on whether babylon.js supports them or not!

Asus and Asus for example say they have compatibility with a variety of things, such as WebXR - but what does this mean? I currently have a website with a bunch of HTML GUI elements and a babylon.js model viewer - would I be able to make the model viewer make use of the 3D screen while keeping all the HTML etc.? Because the HTML contains essential info etc. about the models and sections of them…

I’d appreciate any advice on this - thank you!

I would let @RaananW comment a bit more but if webXR is supported, it should work great :slight_smile:

That said you will need to probably port your html gui to babylon gui I guess.

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If it is anything similar to https://lookingglassfactory.com/, then babylon should be natively supported (assuming webxr is supported :slight_smile: ). As @sebavan said, this will require porting the GUI to the babylon UI, otherwise you will not see the UI as part of the 3D experience.

Now, I would make sure that they do support WebXR fully before buying one, of course. If they do, and it is according to the webxr specs, you shouldn’t have any issue.