3D Platformer Game

Thanks guys, :smiley:

The game looks awesome, there’s been tons of work here! Well done.

My feedback:


  • Can’t play as guest (I think that’s the most important thing)


  • Gamepad controls need a deadzone option, or at least a default deadzone. My controller’s left stick slighty stirs right when neutral so moving around was a bit difficult
  • Keyboard controls are hard to use, I think changing it to a Keyboard + Mouse controls (with requestMouseLock) with keyboard to control character movement and mouse to control character direction + camera would make it much more comfortable
  • Camera can move into geometry (can be fixed with a raycast)


  • Shadows: In platformer games it’s common to cast shadows vertically so that you can see where the enemies are on the ground. I’m thinking of that platform in level 2 where bees are zigzagging on a straight platform but it’s difficult to see precisely where you’re at until you rotate the camera. I’m sure shadows would help a lot here. Also they don’t need to be accurate, a dark circle is more than enough (doesn’t even need shadow maps actually)
  • Skybox: The sky boundaries are easy to spot. You can actually leave the sky when you fall. It can be fixed by moving the sky with the camera, or making the sky geometry much bigger.


  • I could never remember if I opened the gate or not. Maybe when all the carots are collected, a little cutscene with a camera pan toward the next level gate could making it more impactful

Great work in any case, my feedback is polish really!

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Hi @neeh,

Sorry for the late response, thanks for the feedback. I agree, the game needs some work, I will definitely add your points to my to-do list.

And I will keep you posted once the changes have been made. Please keep the feedback coming if you have more. :slight_smile:

Although, my aim right now is to add more levels so players don’t get bored. I would like to add a lot of levels but I currently need help with level ideas and actually modelling it as it’s time-consuming. :smiley:


This is so awesome! Well done!

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Thanks, @Gerard_Baldsing :smiley:

Runs so well on crappy macbook, solid 60fps always. Really cool art style to it all and feels very cohesive. My iPhone tells me to turns it for best experience but nothing happens after though

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Hi @br-matt, thanks for checking the game out. For now, you can refresh the browser on your phone once it’s in landscape view. I will look into the issue and keep you posted. :smiley:

I like the vibe and overall art direction @VoxelCubes. :dart:

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Maybe there is a bug.
I clicked to sign in with “Y”. I thought it was Yandex, but it’s Yahoo…
I closed sign in window.
Clicked sign in with Google. While I was signing in with Google, the sign in error messege popped up. It’s a little bit delayed.
I signed with Google, but I thing that broke my account. I can’t play any level.

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Hi @nekochanoide,

Apologies for the late reply, are you still having issues playing? Usually, refreshing the page will fix things but if not please let me know so I can help. Probably best for you to send the details to coco-feedback@voxelcubes.com as I am not sure we are allowed to post this type of issue here. :smiley:



I can’t choose a level. I logged in, selected a level, the level took a long time to load, I reloaded the page and now I don’t see the levels.

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oh same here :slight_smile:

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for letting me know, I will look into this and get back to you shortly. :slight_smile:


Hi @Rubaka, @sebavan,

I’m not sure why this is happening but could you please clear your browser cache and re-sign in? And let me know if that works. Seems like user data is not found. Also, could we move bug issues to feedback@voxelcubes.com :slight_smile:

Also, in order for me to test properly, what OS and browser did you guys use? It’s working for me on chrome and firefox?

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all good now

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Thanks @sebavan :slight_smile:

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Same here.

Page hard reloaded with cache-clear, signed out and signed in then.

UPD: I’ve just noticed that the last reply was a year ago, so probably the project is no longer supported.

Hi Bumpy,

Apologies for this, I just haven’t had time to investigate this issue. I’ll have a look and fix it sometime this week as it’s the festive period :smile:. Thank you for notifying me!.