Thank you for replying so quickly. I’ve created a GitHub Issue!
May I also create a PR of the Github Issue following the guidelines below?
I would like to contribute to Babylon.js, and I would like to learn Babylon.js.
Please do! We are currently preparing for the 4.2 release so it might take s little while till we accept PRs, but we love having community PRs! Make open source much more fun
@RaananW I tried to verify that I had a minimal functional implementation. I successfully ran cd Tools/Gulp/ && npm run build && npm start and accessed to http://localhost:1338/Playground/index-local.html. After accessing the site, I opened the TypeScript tab to see if I could find BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.FIRST_PERSON, but it didn’t show up in the auto-completion. Am I doing something wrong with the verification?
However, I did a console.log(BABYLON.WebXRFeatureName.FIRST_PERSON); on the JavaScript tab, and I’ve confirmed that the modifications seem to be reflected successfully.