Artifacts using camera Depth of Field lense effects


When experimenting with camera filters (DoF), I’m seeing artifacts that seem to come from the intersection of my meshes and some hidden near and far focal planes.

While researching, I noticed that the playground link in the documentation exhibits the same issue.

Tested with Chrome and Safari using Macbook Pro
w/ Radeon Pro 555X 4 GB Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB.
Babylon.js v4.1.0 - WebGL2

Any thoughts?


pinging @sebavan

As the issue is on the lens rendering pipeline let me add @julien-moreau who built it

Hey @sebavan @TheSkrapper unfortunately I’m not the author of that pipeline. I can take a look and try a fix but I’m pretty busy on the Editor right now as the release is coming soon. @sebavan I don’t know how you are busy but maybe you’ll get it working faster than me ^^

@TheSkrapper could you highlight the artifacts on a screenshot ? I am not sure to see them locally, also did you try the defaultRenderingPipeline instead to get DoF ???

@julien-moreau you used it a lot so I thought it was you creating it :slight_smile: sorry about that

@sebavan absolutely not, only standard and default rendering pipelines ahahah I just know nothing about this pipeline unfortunately ^^

Ohhhh yes Standard and not Lens !!! :slight_smile:

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The following is from

I’m new to understanding pipelines. I’m using the following:
lensEffect = new BABYLON.LensRenderingPipeline(‘lensEffects’, parameters, this.scene, 1.0, this.scene.cameras);

I effectively reproduce on my iPhone 11 as well
Looks like it is not device-based and that’s good to know!

I unfortunately can not repro on my device :frowning: What device are you using @TheSkrapper ?

Tested with Chrome and Safari using Macbook Pro
w/ Radeon Pro 555X 4 GB Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB.
Babylon.js v4.1.0 - WebGL2

A fix should be in the next nightly

@sebavan was this fix added into 4.2 at all? Or just 5 alpha? Experiencing the same issues described above in 4.2 right now

4.2 was already shipped when the fix was done, so it’s 5.0 only.