When experimenting with camera filters (DoF), I’m seeing artifacts that seem to come from the intersection of my meshes and some hidden near and far focal planes.
Hey @sebavan@TheSkrapper unfortunately I’m not the author of that pipeline. I can take a look and try a fix but I’m pretty busy on the Editor right now as the release is coming soon. @sebavan I don’t know how you are busy but maybe you’ll get it working faster than me ^^
@TheSkrapper could you highlight the artifacts on a screenshot ? I am not sure to see them locally, also did you try the defaultRenderingPipeline instead to get DoF ???
I’m new to understanding pipelines. I’m using the following:
lensEffect = new BABYLON.LensRenderingPipeline(‘lensEffects’, parameters, this.scene, 1.0, this.scene.cameras);