Blank screen (After adding mesh)

Hello, I’m pretty interested to dive deeper into Babylon. I created one project by taking reference of IO game platformer prototype (BabylonJS + Colyseus + TypeScript) open-source
this project. Now the issue is after changing the .glb model the whole screen becomes a blank screen. Can anyone suggest how can I debug the error in this?

Hi Abhishek_Shakya,

Does Webgl is still working after loading your glb ?
I often got white screen issues when Webgl is near to crash.

I would suspect a problem with the model, can it be open in the sandbox ?

A blank screen is coming but I think behind things are working because at server side key pressing values are updating. Main thing I used pointer lock for canvas it is coming too. Because I’m getting a popup whenever I click on the screen.

Forgot that thing I’ll check and let you know. Thanks for this suggestion.

I checked just now the model is loading here.
Can you suggest any other things that may cause this issue?

A repro in the playground would be the best to figure it out.

I got the issue but was unable to fix it, tried to log scene.render() get undefined. Meanse render is not working. Can you suggest something how can I resolve this.

This is impossible to know without a repro :frowning: can you repro in the playground ?

This is not possible for me sorry for this. Because there are so many connected files to this. So, I have to add the whole project there which is time taking and I think not possible too. Thanks for helping me much.

Maybe sharing the project on Github ? if not in the playground.

:slight_smile: Yeah I’m trying to figure it out. If I’m not able to figure it out I’ll definitely share the code with you. Thanks.