Box that maps onto a sphere

Dear Community,

I’m a very newbie and I was wondering how to create a box and maps it onto a sphere with proper transformation?

The idea is to get an area (squared) that seems to float above a globe and follow the curvature, like a volumetric crust.

Thanks for your help!

Welcome aboard!

I’m not sure I understand what you want to achieve. Do you have a simple sketch to show what it should look like?

Or is it something like that:

Hello Evgeni!

Almost! I would like the upper face to be like the base (curved) and the edges directed towards the center of the sphere.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Trying something:

However, for the edges directed towards the center of the sphere, I guess you would need to start with something other than a cube…

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Yes! Maybe with a cone?

Yes, it may work. We have a (small) doc on CSG if it helps you: Merging Meshes | Babylon.js Documentation

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