Box2D for Axis Clamped Physics?

There is a port of this by Phaser:

What would be the process for implementing my own physics wrapper for the phaser js port?

I thought there used to be docs on using your own physics engine or creating a custom implementation but I cant find that anywhere now.

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Implementing your own physics engine was possible for Physics v1 but it’s deprecated now.
The easiest way to integrate a new engine is to make a copy of Babylon.js/packages/dev/core/src/Physics/v2/Plugins/havokPlugin.ts at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub in the same folder, do the proper imports in index.ts and then replace functions 1 by 1 excluding private ones.

Concepts are similar: rigid bodies, shape, constraint, etc

For example, this method that creates a shape depending in a shape type would be pretty similar with a switch/case but functions starting with HP_Shape_... would be the Box2D equivalent. Babylon.js/packages/dev/core/src/Physics/v2/Plugins/havokPlugin.ts at 317f0a787323a430784cf0ea0984245a819fcd19 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub


Oh man, so this is an actual project… sheeeesh ok thanks for the insight.

I started making just a wrapper to see how hard this would be.

And its going to be fairly simple actually.

export class PhaserBox2dWrapper{
  public get scene(){
    return this._scene

  public world: Ib2World

  private _engineRef: AbstractEngine

  constructor(private _scene: Scene){ = CreateWorld({worldDef: b2DefaultWorldDef()})
    // = false
    this._engineRef = this._scene.getEngine()

  public update(){
    const deltaTime = this._engineRef.getDeltaTime()
    WorldStep({worldId:, deltaTime})

  public addBodyToNode(node: TransformNode, options:{
    type: 'static' | 'dynamic',
    position: Vector2,
    size: number | Vector2,
    restitution: number,
    density: number,
    friction: number,

    const body = CreateBoxPolygon({ 
      position: new b2Vec2(options.position.x, options.position.y), 
      type: options.type === 'static' ? b2BodyType.b2_staticBody : b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody, 
      size: options.size instanceof Vector2 ? new b2Vec2(options.size.x * 0.5, options.size.y * 0.5) : options.size * 0.5, 
      density: options.density, 
      friction: options.friction, 
      const pos = b2Body_GetPosition(body.bodyId)
      const rot = b2Body_GetRotation(body.bodyId)
      node.position.copyFromFloats(pos.x, pos.y, 0)
      node.rotation.z = b2Rot_GetAngle(rot)

Is all it took to support boxes.



Took about a hour today after work and was able to get most of the core shapes supported along with debug methods.

This is actually way easier than I thought.

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I knew about Box2D Web, but I didn’t know about Phaser Box2D. Thank you for letting me know.
I don’t know if it will be helpful, but here is a sample of Babylon.js + Box2D Web. (Actually, Claude.AI told me about it.)


That’s amazing!