Hi JP… sorry to hear about the jitter. I’m a bit swamped with real life at the moment… but maybe look into putting camera.update()
and/or camera.rebuildAnglesAndRadius()
(for arc-Follow) inside the renderLoop (to be done constantly). No promises… and I’m really guessing/speculating, here.
Ensure that camera.applyGravity is NOT set true… because certain cameras (sub-classes of free cams particularly)… might have a camera.ellipse (a collider for when cam hits ground). Just possibly, camera is repeatedly “scrubbing” its collider (camera.ellipse)… against a .checkCollisions = true ground. Also check camera.inertia… might want to set it to 0.
I am just guessing - things to check-for… investigate. I’ll try to think of more ideas.
Use your console.log… to output EVERY CAMERA PROPERTY… to console… while camera is jittering. One of them… should show the jittering in its values.
Sometimes it is difficult to watch values at the JS console. Perhaps use console.clear() at times, and MAYBE… put many GUI-2d textBlock controls… into a GUI stackPanel control… on-screen (Gui 2d system). Then, display many camera properties [maybe with .toFixed(4)]… to those textBlocks… and watch the camera’s data THAT way.
Keep in mind that using .toFixed() causes a numeric value… to become a string value. That is no problem for Gui textBlock controls… they LIKE string dataType.
Perhaps, build a “rack” of camera “readouts” this wa, and feed those readouts with various camera properties… DURING a camera jitter-move. Ssee if you can “watch” a value doing the same “jittering”… and then… you’re on the trail to learning why the jitter is happening.
You might wish to search our OLD FORUM, too… for camera jitter info. https://www.html5gamedevs.com/search/?type=forums_topic&nodes=16,28,29,30,31,38
Good luck… I’ll come visit again when I have a moment.
Off-topic: I’m currently packing/cleaning… for a possible move 70 miles south… into my first-ever owned home… a used house trailer. I’ve hit the big time, eh?
(We anti-capitalism-ists are VERY broke… all the time. We can’t compete, only cooperate, but not cooperate with competing).
So, I’m crawling into, under and atop MANY old house trailers… trying to get max bang-for-buck… very muddy and time consuming. Wingy trying to survive, somehow… but I’m very tired from 40 years of renting and being controlled by greedy, uncaring, and edu-less landlords and rental managers/companies. TMI - sorry.
Maybe other forum helpers will pick-up my slack, for a bit. Thanks, gang. Be well!