Cannot access Playground files

For the last couple of days I have been unable to access my Playground model files. I don’t think I am doing anything different. The URL I have been using (most recent) is:
Thank you!

Are you sure of the playground url ??? it looks like there are only 5 instances of u1f87r

cc @RaananW to be sure it is not a migration loss ?


It’s definitely that. There should be U1F87R#1 through U1f87R#156 (I never understood why the capitalization seems to change, but I guess from your response that it’s not critical). There was also a name I would fill in for each one, cylinderMover1 through to (about) cylinderMover130. I don’t recall exactly when I last accessed it, but must be less than a week ago.


The last version we have stored is 153:

New Factor 31 | Babylon.js Playground (

That’s a huge relief. Thanks! I wonder where the last three went? But at least I can rebuild from there.

Sorry. Still having problems. When I save changes to 153, normally it would just create 154. When I did that just now, it created 159 (!). But I cannot access 159 (nor any save higher than 153). Have I exceeded some kind of buffer?

Oh, I found the problem! Interesting.

Give me a few minutes, I might be able to restore the others as well.

The short answer is - snippets should be converted to uppercase when sent to the server. When i first deployed the new snippet server i didn’t convert it to upper case automatically, so you care actually saving to a lower-case snippet. So there are two stores for this snippet - one is lower-cased (f) and one is upper cased (F). Fixing that right now :slight_smile:

156 should be available now, and the next snippet ID is 162, probably because of a few save attempts after. It should be resolved, please let me know if it isn’t!!!
Side-note, if you still get Snippet not found, try hard-refresh to make sure it is not the cache returning the result.

That’s fantastic, Obi-Wan. It works perfectly now.

Thanks for your help.

RaananW Obi-Wan Kenobi
April 28 |

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156 should be available now, and the next snippet ID is 162, probably because of a few save attempts after. It should be resolved, please let me know if it isn’t!!!
Side-note, if you still get Snippet not found, try hard-refresh to make sure it is not the cache returning the result.

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