Thankyou for the quick response!
I did not delete the blendshape target as it never existed as a separate mesh in the scene to begin with.
This is because I created it through the Shape Editor window which allows you to create and sculpt new blendshapes on a mesh without creating duplicates.
I did try generating the blendshapes through the Shapes > Rebuild Target option, which generated the seperate blendshape meshes but did not fix the export problem.
I’m not sure this is the source of the issue though, as I was able to export the blendshapes created through the Shape Editor when the mesh was not skinned with no issues.
I only started having problems exporting blendshapes when I bound the mesh to a skeleton.
Here are two pictures to illustrate:
- Working blendshapes (no skinning)
- Broken blendshapes (mesh skinned to joints)
And here are the two corresponding Maya 2022 scenes: (18.7 KB)