Hello i’ve read that making a custom loading screen is possible but I just want to replace the svg with my own logo and make the background white. Is this possible through code or should I just make a custom one with the exact same html/css (where to find this?)
You can define all needed parameters in the beginning of your script:
BABYLON.DefaultLoadingScreen.prototype.displayLoadingUI = function () {
if (this._loadingDiv) {
// Do not add a loading screen if there is already one
this._loadingDiv = document.createElement("div");
this._loadingDiv.id = "babylonjsLoadingDiv";
this._loadingDiv.style.opacity = "0";
this._loadingDiv.style.transition = "opacity 1.5s ease";
this._loadingDiv.style.pointerEvents = "none";
// Generating keyframes
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
var keyFrames = "@-webkit-keyframes spin1 { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}\n 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);}\n } @keyframes spin1 { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg);}\n 100% { transform: rotate(360deg);}\n }";
style.innerHTML = keyFrames;
// Loading img
var imgBack = new Image();
imgBack.src = "SomeSource.jpg";
// imgBack.style.position = "absolute";
// imgBack.style.left = "25%";
imgBack.style.display = "block";
imgBack.style.width = "160px";
imgBack.style.marginLeft = "auto";
imgBack.style.marginRight = "auto";
imgBack.style.marginTop = "160px";
// imgBack.style.marginLeft = "-60px";
// imgBack.style.marginTop = "-60px";
imgBack.style.animation = "spin1 2s infinite ease-in-out";
imgBack.style.webkitAnimation = "spin1 2s infinite ease-in-out";
imgBack.style.transformOrigin = "50% 50%";
imgBack.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "50% 50%";
window.addEventListener("resize", this._resizeLoadingUI);
this._loadingDiv.style.backgroundColor = this._loadingDivBackgroundColor;
this._loadingDiv.style.opacity = "1";
I would say that the easiest way is to simply recreate the css rule. Use the browser inspector to retrieve the name of the existing rule.
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I got this working on all my viewers but I only have one left where I have two canvases, would you perhaps have any idea on how I could display the loading screen on either of these or both while loading? It doesn’t seems to display by default.
I didn’t understand how do you use two canvases - with multiview or with 2 engines?
You may try to use these parameters:
engine.displayLoadingUI(); engine.hideLoadingUI();
Oh I did it in the same way as this page.
I don’t think we can replicate in the playground right.
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