Creating Tiled/HeightMap question?

Hello boys.

I started to work with ground tiles / heightmap. I was looking for editor or something but did not found anything. (sad)

I have couple questions:

  • Is there any Terrain (height + texture) editor for babylonJS/supported by babylonJS, or just simply create a heightMap and terrainMaterial in photoshop?
    • Does terrain material supports more than 2 mixTextures? for example i just use 4,5,6 mixtextures? (8+ textures), I know theres shadermaterial, but this is actually hard for me as im beginner in babylonJS to understand it.
  • AUTOLOD for Terrain - Simplify (It does not work for me), if i have ground with size 1000x1000/256 subdivision - AUTOLOD start reducing quality of terrain when i go away from its center, it does not reducing quality of terrain based on subdivisions (Idk if you know what i mean) I’m not sure if i understand simplify correctly, can you explain me how to use simplify for HeightMap ground? Do i have to create submeshes or subdivide it?
  • What is the best way to create large ground, im not looking for infinity terrain so i don’t like Dynamic terrain. I would like to see any guide or video for the terrain/world creatinon in babylonJS
    - Using AutoLOD, how to use textures properly (more than 8+) f.e., running at HIGH FPS…

One last Question: Can i assign material to the heightground based on Y position? I mean when there’s mountain the terrain at the top will be “Snow”, ground terain XXX, If it is possible, can it be combined with mixtexture ?

Thanks for the answers, maybe everything is already in documentation, some doc. are realy messy or not properly explained.

Try this method

I already studied it, it supports only 3 types of texture based on RGB, it would be good if i could use layers or somehow expand it. Im actually looking at the node material but im not sure if node material is right way atm. I also studied mixTexture but mixed does not support bump map.

The best option would be to use nme then:

It will let you do whatever you want

Thanks for the answers, maybe everything is already in documentation, some doc. are realy messy or not properly explained.

Feel free to help us improving it:


Thanks for the answer, i’m actually looking at the Node.

Sorry :stuck_out_tongue: My knowledge is not that good to do some documentations, maybe in the future when ill get improved, i will contribute.

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