Hello boys.
I started to work with ground tiles / heightmap. I was looking for editor or something but did not found anything. (sad)
I have couple questions:
- Is there any Terrain (height + texture) editor for babylonJS/supported by babylonJS, or just simply create a heightMap and terrainMaterial in photoshop?
- Does terrain material supports more than 2 mixTextures? for example i just use 4,5,6 mixtextures? (8+ textures), I know theres shadermaterial, but this is actually hard for me as im beginner in babylonJS to understand it.
- AUTOLOD for Terrain - Simplify (It does not work for me), if i have ground with size 1000x1000/256 subdivision - AUTOLOD start reducing quality of terrain when i go away from its center, it does not reducing quality of terrain based on subdivisions (Idk if you know what i mean) I’m not sure if i understand simplify correctly, can you explain me how to use simplify for HeightMap ground? Do i have to create submeshes or subdivide it?
- What is the best way to create large ground, im not looking for infinity terrain so i don’t like Dynamic terrain. I would like to see any guide or video for the terrain/world creatinon in babylonJS
- Using AutoLOD, how to use textures properly (more than 8+) f.e., running at HIGH FPS…
One last Question: Can i assign material to the heightground based on Y position? I mean when there’s mountain the terrain at the top will be “Snow”, ground terain XXX, If it is possible, can it be combined with mixtexture ?
Thanks for the answers, maybe everything is already in documentation, some doc. are realy messy or not properly explained.