Decals on animated mesh

I’m not sure about your realtime blood leaks in videogame, it is often (if not all the time) just pure fake.

Example from Battlefield 5:

It looks like they’re even don’t care about blood on bodies :sweat_smile: But we can imagine, as they’ve probably done for the gun, some textures using the same UV as the albedo but combined with them, containing some already painted blood decals. Users will certainly doesn’t spot the fake effect.

Quick & dirty example:


ok, I think I get what you’re all trying to say.
I can create another UV map in Blender which has nothing to do with the original UV map. This new one can be just one square island, so then I can easily place an image or text onto that UV map.

The tricky areas for this:

  • I would have to determine position in the texture from clicked point on the 3D mesh.
  • I will have some bad warping from wrapping a square around a mesh that’s an irregular shape
  • I will have problems dealing with images/text on the edge of the UV island

first point is easy as you get the UV of the picked point when doing picking
other points are valid but maybe can be fixed by avoiding drawing on the edge of your texture?

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