November 8, 2024, 11:13am
Hi team,
When I use hdr in the default rendering pipeline - it changes the colors of the background layer.
(try to put true as the second parameter in the default rendering pipeline)
Is it possible to somehow keep the layer colors unaffected with the hdr=true?
Just the bloom effect looks completely different with hdr, but I don’t want to change the looks of the layer.
Thank you. And appreciate the support of the babylon community.
This PR will add support for linear colors to layers:
← Popov72:layer-convert-linear
opened 12:41PM - 08 Nov 24 UTC
See https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/default-rendering-hdr-pipeline-changes-backgro… und-layer-colors/54643
Once merged, you can do layer.convertToLinearSpace = true;
to get the right colors when using the default rendering pipeline in HDR mode.
This looks sooo much better now.
Thank you.
The colors are still slightly darker than without hdr.
In your test PG, I can’t see a difference when hdr=false and when hdr=true + layer.converToLinearSpace=true… If you are able to show the difference in a PG, I can have a look, as there shouldn’t be any difference.
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