Babylon.js engine (v3.3.0) launched
(index):53 Uncaught TypeError: BABYLON.ShadowOnlyMaterial is not a constructor
at createScene ((index):53)
at (index):59
It works in the playground though.
Babylon.js engine (v3.3.0) launched
(index):53 Uncaught TypeError: BABYLON.ShadowOnlyMaterial is not a constructor
at createScene ((index):53)
at (index):59
It works in the playground though.
Well then if it works in the playground this is that you may have missed a ref to the material itself?
its coming from the CDN. I even switched to the preview version just to check.
Even when I console log out BABYLON and search the module list its nowhere to be found?
you are referencing ?
Nope, thought those came by default. I bet that will fix it thanks!
I was able to stop the error, but now as I try to use it I am seemingly doing something wrong.
Can it only take one shadow generator?
Here without the material the shadow casts.
Im sure Ill be able to figure it out, I just don’t feel like bodunking with it.
Did you try the demo from the doc?
hmm odd when I was googling it I could not find that for the life of me… must have been rushing.
wonderful! (looks like zelda sword :))
Hi @Pryme8,
How did you manage to have several shadows using ShadowOnlyMaterial?
I tried to play with includedOnly & excludedOnly properties of the lights as explain in the shadowOnly documentation but it doesn’t work:
Thanks for your help
I think I used multiple shadow systems.
So you created one new ShadowOnlyMaterial for each light?
Yeah and I think and a plane for each one too if I remember right.