I’d like to know if it’s possible to create instances of a mesh, but have a different texture on each instance?
I know that this is possible with mesh copies, but we’d have to take a big performance hit.
We can change the color on a per instance basis using Instanced Buffers, so I was wondering if this would also work with textures.
I kind of asked this before as an additional question to another thread and got an answer from @Deltakosh, however now that I’m trying to actually implement it I’m struggling.
You can instantiate any attributes supported by the shaders (typically: color, uv, uv2, etc…)
If you create your own shader with ShaderMaterial it could be anything declared as an attribute
Does this also mean we can change the texture with this? And if so, how?
Because it seems that we can only pass a pair of floats to me.
I prepared a simple playground with the buffers for color working and 2 textures loaded in as a starting point.