Sorry, just for me to be sure I understood correctly - you are saying that because the camera’s position is different you suddenly start moving backwards instead of forward?
Furthermore, I tried whether it changes when the direction of the camera is different, not just the position of the camera.
Red and yellow spheres have been added to make it easier to understand.
The diagram below shows how they moved, including A: and B:.
The triangle indicates the direction of the camera, and the green arrow indicates the direction of movement.
Ok! I debugged it a little. The feature is basing the forward position based on the base reference space, which is the initial reference space in which the xr session has started, before the new position (and the direction) was applied. This is why it works well with one transformation, but not with the other.
I could switch to the camera’s reference space, but then there are a few issues with scaling the vectors. For some reason (that I am still struggling with), when changing the reference space only the left step is working. movement scale is incorrect as well, but that’s solvable with scaling the forward vector.
The person who developed the feature is no longer working actively on the framework, so I will need to dive into the code to fully understand what’s going on. If you don’t mind creating an issue on our github, I will assign it to me and will take it from there.