Enabling plane to receive shadow throws a whole lot of error in console Unable to compile effect:

A lot of error is coming. I rounded out the issue to the code
shadowGround.receiveShadows = true;

And the solution found in Babylon forum was to upgrade the Babylon version. I am now using Babylon.js v5.0.0-alpha.10 - WebGL2

Is there a solution other than upgrading the version.

I will add the error consoled below:

[Error] BJS - [17:16:14]: Uniforms:  world, view, viewProjection, vEyePosition, vLightsType, vAmbientColor, vDiffuseColor, vSpecularColor, vEmissiveColor, visibility, vFogInfos, vFogColor, pointSize, vDiffuseInfos, vAmbientInfos, vOpacityInfos, vReflectionInfos, vEmissiveInfos, vSpecularInfos, vBumpInfos, vLightmapInfos, vRefractionInfos, mBones, vClipPlane, vClipPlane2, vClipPlane3, vClipPlane4, vClipPlane5, vClipPlane6, diffuseMatrix, ambientMatrix, opacityMatrix, reflectionMatrix, emissiveMatrix, specularMatrix, bumpMatrix, normalMatrix, lightmapMatrix, refractionMatrix, diffuseLeftColor, diffuseRightColor, opacityParts, reflectionLeftColor, reflectionRightColor, emissiveLeftColor, emissiveRightColor, refractionLeftColor, refractionRightColor, vReflectionPosition, vReflectionSize, logarithmicDepthConstant, vTangentSpaceParams, alphaCutOff, boneTextureWidth, morphTargetTextureInfo, morphTargetTextureIndices, vDetailInfos, detailMatrix, previousWorld, previousViewProjection, vLightData0, vLightDiffuse0, vLightSpecular0, vLightDirection0, vLightFalloff0, vLightGround0, lightMatrix0, shadowsInfo0, depthValues0, viewFrustumZ0, cascadeBlendFactor0, lightSizeUVCorrection0, depthCorrection0, penumbraDarkness0, frustumLengths0, diffuseSampler, ambientSampler, opacitySampler, reflectionCubeSampler, reflection2DSampler, emissiveSampler, specularSampler, bumpSampler, lightmapSampler, refractionCubeSampler, refraction2DSampler, boneSampler, morphTargets, detailSampler, shadowSampler0, depthSampler0
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:99341)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:28297)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:24392)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:27704)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:22686)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:21835)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:830898)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:835641)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:835621)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:830839)
	P (babylon.js:16:21753)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:22132)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:24742)
	e (babylon.js:16:22062)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:351267)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:455383)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:63987)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:642123)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:3508643)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:3507065)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:761408)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:272113)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:272767)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:278576)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.html:213)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:136429)
	(anonymous function) (babylon.js:16:136627)
	(anonymous function)

Hard to tell as we don’t have the detail of the error in your log.

Have you tried to use 4.2.1, as there’s a bug fix related to shadows + new behaviour of Chrome that makes 4.2 to fail.

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Hi, My colleague tested it on 4.2 and it works, So is the only option available for me is to Upgrade to stable version 5 or downgrade to 4.2?

Which version are you using? In any case, I guess that if there’s a problem with your current version you have no choice other than to change for one that fixed the problem.

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I am using
Babylon.js v5.0.0-alpha.10

I guess I have to move to stable version

You should try our latest release and if it does not work a repro in the playground would be great !!!

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It works in Playground V5.29

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