Hi all, it’s been a while I posted here. I was wondering if in this demo I’m facing webgl float32 lack precision (bjs 4.1)? I’ve read few external topics about Improving precision, not really friendly to understand…
I’m working on a eath tilling, more you zoom, more you get detail. When you’re zooming max you can see the distortion.
unfortunately, this does not make the job, here 2 screenshost with wireframe enable, each tile for demo purpose has a subdivision of 16, so we can see the distortion at high zoom. I see no no difference using options or not, I tried useHighPrecisionMatrix and ‘useHighPrecisionFloats’.
I suspect something related to float precision vs ‘double precision’ . https://prideout.net/emulating-double-precision , this guy explain the concept pretty well. But before trying to test and make his solution compatible with my demo, I explore every solution.