Hello guys,
I’m trying to make customisable height of character through morphing target. I have created simple low poly model in blender which is my default mesh to morph, then i have duplicated the same model and just moved the verticies slightly so that the second mesh is taller. In blender the geometry info says that there is same count of verticies, which it should be. I didnt add any verticies while modifiing the mesh. But after exporting it with blender to babylon exporter i get a huge difference in vertex count. Im new to babylon so idk if this is a good solution but I would still love to hear why is that. o.O Any ideas ?
Here is the screen in blender:
I looked into the log file of exporter and info is also correct:
processing begun of mesh: model
num positions : 453
num normals : 453
num uvs : 906
num indices : 1986
processing begun of mesh: morph
num positions : 453
num normals : 453
num uvs : 906
num indices : 1986
Console log :
Babylon.js v4.1.0-alpha.7 - WebGL2
geometry of meshes: (geomtery._totalVertices) - {model: 396, morhp: 1986}
babylon.js error: Mesh is incompatible with morph targets. Targets and mesh must all have the same vertices count.
Thanks in advance for any ideas why that might be the case Have an awesome day!