Github Skyline – showcase on Babylon website?

Totally not built by me … hope it’s still okay to post it here:

IMO, would be nice to put this visibly on the website’s demo section, because everybody knows Github, and seeing them use Babylon is (again, IMO) a strong indicator that it’s a reliable and awesome framework.

Do we have to get somebody from Github on board to do this?


Nice to see other members of the community concerned about the visibility of BJS. I was getting tired of constantly posting this sort of comment… while others can just enjoy the framework and create :wink:. And Yes, it is in truth both reliable and awesome.


That would be huge

cc @PirateJC

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@panepeter We were actually in contact with GitHub as they were making this. We’ll reach out and see if they’re ok with us adding it to the Babylon.js website. I have a feeling they’ll be happy for us to share their great work with the platform. :slight_smile:

Good idea!