Havok No Collision Response

Yo @Cedric Using Havok physics, i need to enable and disable some meshes with colliders on the fly. In Ammo.js you could change the CollisionFlag to NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE or something like that.

How do enable and disable the actual collision for the physics body using Havok?

You can try collision filtering Babylon.js docs

or do you want to completely freeze the body?

Yes… Completely freeze or disable or put to sleep. Whatever i can to dynamic STOP Collision on that mesh

I’d try with Babylon.js docs

and potentially Babylon.js docs
plus Babylon.js docs

SetActivationControl did not prevent collision, dont wanna go to filter and mask, but could work alot of work to chnage to use filter and masking.

But Shape.isTrigger on and off when i toggle visibility MIGHT work… Thanks