How can I import unity prefabs into babylon.js?

Just tried looeee/gltf-converter (which looked like exactly what I was going for!). But unfortunately, got the same result that i get when i import these models into Blendr… a very messed up model.

Whereas when I use fbx2gltf, everything including animations is nice and tight (except for materials of course).

something similar came up in a post yesterday, it was for the bjs playground and not blender, but it was had to do with there not being a default environment set, if i recall correctly.

btw do you use this? its pretty nice

Oh yea, i saw that in your screenshot above and thought: neat! Gotta install that (and maybe good enough reason to switch to VS from Atom).

Oh on the model though… there’s a lot messed up (more than lighting)… arms pointed in wrong direction. Animations tweaking out. Necks twisted all around.

you can right click on a glb file and convert it to gltf. pretty handy

Darnit. Everything worked so good with the Dinosaur, but when i tried same with Humanoid, I’m back to a jumble. This FBX export from Unity is supposed to be a “chef.” Any ideas for how to fix this kind of thing? Any better way to export from Unity with better fidelity?

What it looks like after export to FBX:

Here’s what it looks like in Unity: