How do I clear child elements

I want to know how to clear the child elements in the grid, because the name is needed to clear, I want to directly clear all the child elements in a grid, which master can help me

Hiya IP.

Check-out lines 248-252… should do the trick. It dispose()'s all grid-kids after 5-secs.

You can also use grid.getDescendants() to gather a pile of all controls (and their kids)… and munge-thru the pile to change names/text/whatever… (without dispose/re-stock).

Notice that getDescendants() has some powerful user-settable parameters/options. (If that link isn’t accurate, scroll-around in that doc a bit… you’ll find getDescendants)

Party on, hope I was helpful.

Shouldn’t this be it?

    for (const child of parentNode.getChildren()) { 
        child.parent = null

Or am I missing something? (With Babylon it is easy to miss something non-obvious.)

The topic is about GUI Grid

and your code uses functions of TransformNode

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Could I ask you to kindly open a new topic for your question?
This one is 3+ years old and should have been marked as solved. cc @carolhmj (may be you could do that?)
As per @Takemura 's answer, the solution will depend on your use case/architecture.


I use to call this ‘Versatility’ :grin: and I believe is one of the greatest advantages of BJS :smiley:

Of course, as always, my opinion only and… meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses: