How to change Viewport clipping value?

Is there a way to change the viewport clipping values like it is in blender and 3Ds max? (

I’m seeing clipping behavior when the camera is farther from the mesh. Here is how it looks when the camera is near the mesh.
Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 4.38.30 PM

And here is how it looks when the camera moves farther from the mesh.
Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 4.38.23 PM

You can see there is some clipping going on there since there are 2 meshes that are placed close to each other. The background mesh is white and its color is clipping though the Plane mesh that has an image texture.

You can modify the camera.minZ and camera.maxZ. Or you can use zOffset on material to fight depth fighting.

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camera.minZ = 0.1; did the trick.
