How to combine two shapes with different number of vertices into one shape as shown in the image`

Hi all.

I’m fairly new to BabylonJS. Happy to join all of you.
I’m working on creating some motion graphics directly on BabylonJS, so I have to create the meshes by code.
I got stuck when I was trying to create a hole in a flat plane (as shown below). I understand that I could use CSG for boolean operations, but whenever I do this type of stuff in Blender I usually have the hole embedded with the mesh.
I also tried using Ribbons, but it didn’t work with shapes that have different number of vertices.
It’d be really helpful if any you BabylonJS wizard could provide me a way to achieve this effect.

Here’s where I’m currently at,

Thanks in advance :pray:

I’m not sure what this means? Are you trying to create a flat mesh plane that has a hole, all as one mesh?

You might be able to use native CSG objects. Or you can create a mesh for the plane and a mesh for the hole. Then use CSG to suntract the hole from the plane, and turn the result back to a mesh. Voila! A plane mesh with a hole.

If you have trouble aligning the two, create a cylinder and subtract that from the plane.

I was trying to connect the vertices of the two shapes instead of cutting a mesh with another.
I tried to cut the plane with a cylinder using CSG and I got this result,

I’m still figuring out CSG and will let you know after using native CSG objects.

It doesn’t look like you’re using subtractFrom(). Do you have a PG?

You also have to dispose the original meshes otherwise they will be present in the scene.

Here’s the PG,
I’ve set the original meshes’ visibility to false.

CSG does not work well if meshes have no volume (like a plane). Try to give a small depth to the plane: