At present, my method is to add skeleton animation to the clothes, but the clothes look unnatural and very stiff, so I want to add collision between the clothes and the human body to make the clothes more flexible and natural
Hiya x. I imagine that is done with physics clothImpostors.
That’s a Cannon version, so it needed to be “assembled”, as CannonJS has no clothImpostors by default.
When using ammoJS physicsEngine, IT has a clothImpostor built-in.
Cloth-physics-simiulating is a bit performance-heavy for JS, eh? nod.
scene.getPhysicsEngine().setTimestep(1 / 10);
Using that line, and adjusting its values… MAY help speed-up some things… not sure.
Let’s invite @ozRocker to the thread… as he has done some SERIOUS work with clothing and human bodies. Maybe he has some words of advice.
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