I’m searching for a solution to provide a simple cardboard view for all common browsers (at least Chrome/Firefox/Samsung Browser on Android and Safari on iOS).
What I understood so far (https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/introduction_to_webxr):
- WebVR is deprecated in Chrome
- WebXR is not supported by iOS (at least if you do not want to use the Mozilla WebXR viewer)
- Polyfill is a fallback solution for browsers that do not support WebXR
From this threads I understood that it should be possible to use polyfill on iOS devices:
Nevertheless, I have not found any working playground example that has cardboard support on iOS.
Does anybody have such an example? No matter if it is based on WebVR or WebXR or anything else. Just a simple cardboard view is needed (no need for AR, no support for other HMDs than cardbard, no teleportation - just a simple cardboard view).
Thanks in advance!