HTC Vive Pro with 4 Stream VR base station, the headset can't get any view

I tried to run my webxr project on HTC Vive Pro.
When with 2 Stream VR base station, the headset can get the view of babylonjs.
But when with 4 Steam VR base station(extend room scale), the headset can’t get any view.

I also tried unity project with 4 Steam VR abse station, the headset can get the view of babylonjs.
Is there any way to solve this problem?

Is it a babylon issue, or a webxr issue in general? I believe there was an issue with the Vive browser support, but have to be honest that I never tried it.

I tried different operating system and hardware with HTC Vive Pro. The babylonjs used in my project is 5.0.0.Alpha64.

Case 1(win11+1650Ti):with 2 Stream VR base station, the headset can get the view of babylonjs,But when with 4 Steam VR base station(extend room scale), the headset can’t get any view.

Case 2(win11+3070Ti):with 2 Stream VR base station or 4 Stream VR base station, the headset can get the view of babylonjs. But the view of headset is shaking.

Case 3(win10+1650Ti):with 2 Stream VR base station or 4 Stream VR base station, the headset can get the view of babylonjs and works fine.

Case 4(win10+3070Ti):with 2 Stream VR base station or 4 Stream VR base station. When connects handle, the headset can’t get any view. But when without handle, the headset can get the view of babylonjs.

I want to konw whether the HTC Vive Pro can works with win11 and 1650Ti and 4 Stream VR base station.

There is another universality problem. After enter VR mode, exist VR mode and reenter VR mode, the view of headset can’t move.

Can I ask what happens when you use the latest version of babylon?

Is the latest version of babylon v5.42.1? I will try this version.

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I tried babylon v5.42.1 with win10.
The view of web page is uncorrect.

After enter VR mode, the headset can’t get the view of babylon.

I am back to my initial question - does WebXR work? the WebXR samples (that are not using any framework)? Or is it a babylon issue?

Let me revise this - it seems like you DO enter XR, but the scene doesn’t render correctly. this might be because of the change in the framework version (though we should always be back-compat, unless forced by the browsers to change our APIs). Any console errors in this case? Does it work on other devices correctly (with the new version)? Are you doing anything in the render loop that might prevent the scene from rendering correctly? console error.
2.I will try it on HTC comos.
3.I cleared code in the render loop, but the scene still render uncorrect.

This is my project link.

it’s impossible for me to try the demo. it seems to ask for login (if the translator worked correctly), but I don’t have a login.

A playground with the code that you are trying to run would be very helpful. Try to make it as simple for us to help you.

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This project link don’t need login.

Is the issue related to a different question you asked? Does it work now?