What I want to achieve is two cups, both with liquid inside, they can pour liquid into each other’s, the liquid flow process, the whole process is in accordance with the physical characteristics, what to do, can anyone help me, give me some demos
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It’s time to release the demo I worked on for the past months during my spare time.
It’s not finished yet (still some docs to write + trying a WebGPU compute shader implementation of the fluid simulator) but I may not be able to work on this in the coming weeks so I wanted to release something now.
It’s a fluid simulation and rendering. In fact, it’s more the rendering side of things than the simulation part: there’s a simulator, but it’s quite basic at the time (still, collisions with particl…
The water fluid movement simulations are awesome but performance is really bad even with WebGPU. The “Box, sphere and wall” water container is my favorite demo but chuggs along with FPS in the 20’s once the water is added. This is on a good gaming PC.
Does it run like this for everyone else to? Am I doing something wrong? Super cool but basically unusable at 23fps.
Now if I drop the default number of “water” particles from 6k to 2.5k I get a smooth 60fps, but that’s not much water to play …