Issues importing GLTF models in a WebXR (AR) Immersive Scene

Thank you so much!
Where do I get updated for the updates/patches? Any ‘news’/releases page or just the github project?

was just about to write that :slight_smile: it would be great if you created an issue for that on github, so you can get updates when it is in progress and done. Please reference this page when you create it

Should I add an issue for the other two threads as well?
1 - How to properly setup WebXR (immersive-ar) Touch Input? - #13 by RaananW
2 - What's the proper way to manually remove a XR Anchor? - #3 by VisionsMind

If so, I’ll post the issues here: Issues · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub and link the respective threads.
Btw, is it possible to have an estimate time-frame for the fixes (days, weeks, months)? In that vein, do you guys have a general roadmap for the project (babylonjs)? This could help me a lot in managing my time between projects and prototypes :slight_smile:

Wait with the anchors one, I have to check first if it is not an issue with the playground itself. The other 2 - go right ahead :slight_smile: You can mention me (@RaananW) in the github issue

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Hey there!
I had already posted the Right Handed System issue, last night, so I just commented to tag you as suggested.
I’ve added another issue for the Not Found Controller issue as well.

Just wanted to add that in regards to the anchors ‘.remove()’ function I get the same ‘invalid invocation’ error in my own setup, that doesn’t use the Playground.

Is there any time frame I could expect on these issues? Don’t want to insist/pressure, I’m asking just to know if I should move on with other projects and put this one on hold, or if these are simpler/quick-fixes.

Again, thank you so much for helping out with this! :smiley:

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Answered regarding the plane detection (more of an issue in the playground than an issue in babylon.js), and not quite sure regarding the glTF model. Could you share the model?

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Hey there!
Thank you for looking into it!
Yes! I’ve shared some screenshots, a 3D model that has the same 'rotation-issue when using GLTF imports and some screenshots in regards to the tracked planes not rendering properly with the suggested playground wither (even with the -Z).

I wouldn’t recommend using the right-handed system, this is not the solution for this. Having said that, it should work in right handed mode as well. I will look into the right-handed issues, but i would first try to understand why the model cannot be rotated correctly.

I jumped in a little late into the conversation. Want to explain what was the issue before switching to the right handed system?

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At first, tried to use the Right Handed System in order to get the model to be placed in the correct place (hit-test). After playing around with the suggestions I’ve noticed that the GLTF import in babylonJS comes with a __ root __ mesh that accommodates for the conversions of the axis.
What happened was that after turning OFF the Right Handed System and using the ‘root’ for the transforms, the model was placed in the right position, but with the wrong orientation - 180º in the upwards-axis (as shown in the screenshot I’ve added to the github issue).
I tried fixing this by adding a rotation right after the mesh loads directly in BabylonJS, but the model still shows with its back facing the camera instead of it’s ‘face’.

So, in order to make it face the camera correctly, I have to make the model rotated 180º in the vertical-axis, so that it faces the wrong way in my 3D software, and export it that way, so that it, then is placed correctly in the AR-scene - facing the camera/user, when imported as a GLTF.

I’ve played around with this playground demo - Babylon.js Playground
and I’ve noticed it has the same issue. The character is always placed with it’s back facing the camera, only when I turn the Right Handed System On is the model placed correctly, facing the camera.

The issue with using the Right Handed System is the one with the tracked-planes not rendering correctly.

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This is an interesting issue to tackle. Technically, it is working as expected. Let me run a few experiments before I give a better (and longer) answer. I’ll get back to you on this one :slight_smile:

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Hey there @RaananW just wanted to check in, see if there are any updates regarding the anchor.remove() ‘invalid invocation’ error and the GLTF import axis issue.
Any news? Did you manage to get any further info in regards to the achor.remove() error?


Yes, the anchors has a very simple solution (and a very simple fix which I will submit later today):

anchors.remove() test | Babylon.js Playground (use the delete function directly, as it seems like proxying it doesn’t work as expected)

PR was submitted - Fix anchor remove invocation by RaananW · Pull Request #9978 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (

About the glTF - I am sorry but i didn’t get the chance to check this thoroughly.


Thank you so much! That’s great news!
Thanks for the new version of this playground as well!
I’ll try to implement that solution today during the day!

Ah, alright! No problem! I’m using the workaround of exporting the model facing away from the camera, so yeah that works for now. It’s just not a good practice to rotate rigged/animated characters around, but seems to not be causing issues so far.

Thank you so much!

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Hi @VisionsMind just checking in to see if your problem was solved or if there are still issues :smiley: