Kitchen worktables and cabinets configurator

Hi community,
I’d like to share my first commercial project with babylonjs. It’s a configurator for custom made kitchen worktables and cabinets. We’ve done our best to make it easy to interact with the products, also on mobile devices.

Pick the base table configuration

Add modifications, drag them around

Works on mobile too!

Some highlights:

  • drag and drop modifications on a worktop (e.g. sinks, drawers, shelves)
  • collisions between modifications to avoid overlaps
  • csg to cut the gaps where sinks have to go
  • gui to show labels and dimensions
  • resizing the base tables

You can try it out here:
Or watch the fancy video


Looks great! I seem to have gotten in a bad state I had added an overshelf and then I could not change it as it said “You can have only one overshelf”, but the remove icon was gone. Really well done.

Looks like you used React + Redux - good combination for configurators :smiley:

Thanks! You can click/touch the overshelf that’s still on the table. It will bring up the little info-panel with the delete-icon.
I’ve worked together with a great developer who really works magic with react-redux. I’m really lucky to have him.

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Hi Klaas,

Would you share the code of the configurator? I’m building something similar for kitchen cabinets but I’m rather new to Babylon and your configurator looks like it would be a great starting point. Willing to pay for it obviously.

Regards, Casper

Hi Casper,
Feel free to DM me with an offer.