I have slight problem with the GUI. I have these buttons that are parented to a mesh in my game world. However, when I click the GUI buttons, I also have deviceSourceManager that listens to mouse/touch events. This causes the problem where when I click the button in GUI, and something else happens in the game world also.
So I was thinking that is there anything like “stop propagation” for the GUI, so the other events for the mouse/touch devices would not trigger if the GUI button is pressed?
Maybe you can try control.isPointerBlocker = true, that you can set on a gui control. I use it for example on a scrollViewer, to prevent the mouse scroll to trigger camera zoom
Yes. You can use the pointerBlocker to prevent events to fire, but I think it still records the click in the observable, doesn’t it? I kind of remember something around this. I believe you could detect whether you are clicking on the gui or in scene.