Im on a diffrent workstation and on this one the maya export refuses to export textures.
As soon as i plug in a texture i get an error message. I tried diffrent sahders and diffrent textures.
Even if i try files that worked on a diffrent workstation.
Everything is the same im using the same maya version and both are win7 workstations.
Can you share the version of Maya and version of the Babylon exporter you have installed? Also, are the files you are using local to the machine you are working on, or are they on a share?
Thank you for the video, that helps a lot. I can’t reproduce your issue locally, so I am doing a little more digging into what may be going on. I’ll ping back asap.
I tried following the video to reproduce your issue on Maya 2019 and 2018.4 as well, but to no avail.
You mention that this works on another Win7 workstation, most likely there’s a difference between how these machines are configured that’s causing the issue.
A few suggestions I can think of to try fixing this may be:
Check to see that your machine has the latest .NET runtime environment installed. The Maya2Babylon exporter targets framework version version 4.6.1: Download .NET (Linux, macOS, and Windows)