The NodeMaterial seems to be the right choice here. Using the exemple you linked I was able to recreate a material that use both diffuse and normal maps, but there are two more things I’m not sure how to achieve with the node editor:
changing the UV scale of some texture, like in this blender node:
I can only find the Mesh.uv node, wich doesn’t accept any kind of parameter.
and use some texture as emissive (controlling also the strength of it) with the pbr metallic roughness node.
I usually use a light with low intensity in the scene and adjust the level of light of specific material using an emissive texture, so it’ll be useful to do that with this material as well.
Is it possible to do all of this in the node material editor directly?
Yes, I remember that promise. And I’m sure @Dad72 among others also remembers.
Just know that you’re seen (no, this is not a warning Just a frendly reminder