Yo @Cedric … Are these functions descriptions backwards… This function sure looks to me that its updateing the babylon mesh from the physics body… But these descriptions says otherwise
* Sets the physics body position/rotation from the babylon mesh's position/rotation
* @param impostor imposter containing the physics body and babylon object
public setTransformationFromPhysicsBody(impostor: PhysicsImpostor) {
impostor.object.position.set(this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().x(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().y(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().z());
if (!impostor.object.rotationQuaternion) {
if (impostor.object.rotation) {
this._tmpQuaternion.set(this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().x(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().y(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().z(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().w());
} else {
impostor.object.rotationQuaternion.set(this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().x(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().y(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().z(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().w());
Same thing for
* Sets the babylon object's position/rotation from the physics body's position/rotation
* @param impostor imposter containing the physics body and babylon object
* @param newPosition new position
* @param newRotation new rotation
public setPhysicsBodyTransformation(impostor: PhysicsImpostor, newPosition: Vector3, newRotation: Quaternion) {
var trans = impostor.physicsBody.getWorldTransform();
// If rotation/position has changed update and activate rigged body
if (
Math.abs(trans.getOrigin().x() - newPosition.x) > Epsilon ||
Math.abs(trans.getOrigin().y() - newPosition.y) > Epsilon ||
Math.abs(trans.getOrigin().z() - newPosition.z) > Epsilon ||
Math.abs(trans.getRotation().x() - newRotation.x) > Epsilon ||
Math.abs(trans.getRotation().y() - newRotation.y) > Epsilon ||
Math.abs(trans.getRotation().z() - newRotation.z) > Epsilon ||
Math.abs(trans.getRotation().w() - newRotation.w) > Epsilon
) {
this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(newPosition.x, newPosition.y, newPosition.z);
this._tmpAmmoQuaternion.setValue(newRotation.x, newRotation.y, newRotation.z, newRotation.w);
if (impostor.mass == 0) {
// Kinematic objects must be updated using motion state
var motionState = impostor.physicsBody.getMotionState();
if (motionState) {
} else {
It looks to me that this is setting the physics body from the babylon mesh position, but the descript says the opposite … or am i just plain reading this wrong
I found the problem… If you are NOT using Quaternion Rotations… You CANNOT update the physics impostor transform… My component is using node.rotation instead of node.rotationQuaternion
I found the issue in beforeStep function of the physicsImpostor class
if (!this._options.disableBidirectionalTransformation) {
this.object.rotationQuaternion && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setPhysicsBodyTransformation(this, /*bInfo.boundingBox.centerWorld*/ this.object.getAbsolutePosition(), this._tmpQuat);
That does not seem right to only support setPhysicsBodyTransformation if using quaternions… What about folks for whatever reason needs to use regular Euler Rotations ???