Multiple UV Sets Getting Lost With Draco Compression

Yes we bundle some models with draco, they are sending me over multiple TEXCOORDs with different values for different textures and I wanted to know if there is something in the API or whatver that allows me to switch the TEXCOORD of a mesh.

for example, TEXCOORD_1, TEXCOORD_2

I believe it only reads in the first entry into the primitives attributes array, simliar to how scene works, uses the first?

fyi these are only test models, really small and arent compressed. we are investigating if/how it can be done. It relates to multiple models in one glb/gltf file that we can move around into different viewports for analyis etc, but may want different textures on the certain layermask

I don’t know what you mean by this. All of the texture coordinates of a Draco mesh should be loaded into corresponding UV sets, (i.e., TEXCOORD_1 → uv, TEXCOORD_2 → uv2, etc. up to 6 sets).

What do you mean by “it” here? Can you provide a playground so it will be easier to understand what you mean?

Please provide context. I have no idea what this means. :slight_smile:

UV sets !!! that is what am looking for, perfect!! I see I can change these via the sandbox options. What documentation is available that can help me do that in my app ?

Thanks in advance

Without more context, I’m not sure how to help you.

You can set the coordinatesIndex property on the texture to choose which UV set is used, I think that’s what you’re after. :slight_smile:


yup that is it. I found it about a hour ago but thanks for getting back to me :slight_smile: