Node editor preview shows 'Please wait, loading...'

Would be amazing and easier to troubleshoot thanks

Also make sure you are using the node editor’s es6 version and not the UMD version (@babylonjs/node-editor is the right one)

I’m using the @babylonjs version in my project with import syntax, and it still works. Should i change all @babylonjs packages with babylonjs?

Here is the source code.归档.zip (472.7 KB)

@msDestiny14 looks like you have a repro here :slight_smile:

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It’s solved. import ‘babylonjs-loaders’ can solve this problem. It’s because the node editor needs to load glb files

But something still weired.

In the first picture, the picker icon disappears. And in the second picture, the picker dot cannot be moved smoothly.

This is again an issue of es6 vs. umd - babylonjs-loaders is a UMD package (which will be @babylonjs/loaders in es6). Make sure you use only one of the two.

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