Damn, you’re working hard on this. It’s looking great @Dad72
Some new progressions.
I added two small editor to the tools: a tree editor optimized to create large forests.
Tree Editor
Rock generator
At the level of the game editor, I added a WebSite tab to edit your website linked with the game. (it is not finished, but the base is there).
WebSite Custom
I also made the terrain (that of the login scene, the character creation scene and the game scene) I just have to add the models to complete the areas. I have added many templates in the media that I will use for this.
Scene: Login
Scene: CharacterSet
Scene: Game
Wow, all of this looks amazing. I can’t wait to start using it right away.
Small improvement to the tree and rock editor.
I added bump to each stone, trunk and foliage textures.
I also added several kinds of distortion to create different shaped rocks.
I added other foliage too.
Trees have collisions only on the trunk and not the foliage.
I find that with the bump, it gives more realism to the mesh.
I should now add to the game editor the ability to paint/add burst trees and rocks generated with its two tools.
Question :
I also had the idea of adding a cave editor to the toolset, but i don’t know how to do it yet. Maybe someone has some ideas or examples ?
I also have a quest editor to do, but there too, I’m looking for ideas. But I will see that later. I tend to scatter a lot sometimes.
Ive thought this demo would be a cool setup for procedural cave system. GitHub - ClementCariou/virtual-art-gallery: Explore an Art Gallery in your browser. . On the surface it may not seem like much , but its quite clever.
I’m eager to try out the rocks and trees generator. The tree generators we had so far didn’t pass the test (at least for my taste). Amazing progress you are doing there. Don’t forget to save
for the cave editor, I have templates. But I wanted to make a generator like this:
And what it looks like inside
I would like to make some sort of generator. Or maybe use the models that I have, but these are models that I bought a long time ago, I don’t know, if I have the right to distribute this in my software.
But I will write to dexsoft-games to ask if I have the right to do so to be sure.
Otherwise, creating a generator would be ideal, but I lack the idea for do so.
I got an answer from dexsoft-games for using the models. But I’m not sure how to interpret their answers here:
Thank you for your email.
You can use the Cave Creator in any of your game projects and in any editor you want.
Please let me know if you have any other asset related questions or concerns. I’m happy to help!
I asked for a new confirmation to complete my request, because their answer is still a bit vague.
What do you think of this answer? authorization, prohibition?.
I’d say if you are not reselling the work from the editor with modified assets, you should be good to go with this.
From their website:
Can I use your 3D models in my commercial games/projects?
Yes you can! You can use our 3D models in any of your commercial games or 3D projects. Also, you can render them and use the renders. You can modify them and use the modified versions in your games. However, you are not allowed to sell modified versions as model collections at other selling platforms. All rights reserved.
Thanks mava. it actually looks good. This will simplify my work (in part) to create my cave editor from the models that I would export in gltf.
dexsoft-games replied again. (they are very reactive, it’s nice)
Thank you for the clarifications, it is greatly appreciated.
In this case you should add a user license.
Well that means that I have the authorization but I must add a license that the models must only remain in my editor and the games generate with my editor if I understood correctly. I’ll do that then.
fair enough. They could have added a license link in their website though. Hard to figure out the licensing from what is shown there.
@Dad72 : Looking forward to seeing the “Cave Editor”. Looks like a very interesting tool
cheers, gryff
The Actors tab is operational. I added a new default character with several basic animations.
You can assign up to 10 different textures for the face, clothes, hair and beards. As well as up to 10 colors for hair and beards.
What it gives in the editor
The project is completed with 3D objects. Nearly 100 different 3D meshes.
I didn’t put all the mesh here. It’s just to give an idea of what should be possible to do interesting things.
I still have others to add at the level of plants, bushes, fences, cave …
All this will be distributed with the editor for the editor and the games generated with it.
I finished the Gubbin tab which had some bugs.
This tab allows you to add accessories to an actor attached to one of the bones. A sword for example, or armor and others.
The gubbin object can be repositioned, rescaled to fit perfectly.
Any idea when we will be able to put our ‘lazy hands’ on this? I can only see more tabs, parameters and conditions added and I’m starting to wonder if I’m gonna need another grade in game design to be able to master this thing
Hello @mava,
I have no idea when I might make all of this available. I still have a lot of work to do before making this all public. I hope within the year. Knowing that this kind of project once public will not be completely finished.
I could present the editor as it is, but the game generating part is not completely finished. I would like to make a little demo for getting started with the editor. It’s easier to understand when there’s an example. And I also try to make everything as stable as possible.
As for your concerns about the number of tabs, it’s not complicated. For example, media is just for importing your 3D models, images, textures, music, sounds. The actors tab is for creating your actors with their appearances and abilities. The Animation tab is for adding animations to the actors you create in the actors tab. The Zone tab to create the terrain with the objects 3D. All tabs are linked and everything goes to the essentials.
Don’t hesitate if you have any questions about what a tab or another is for.
I was just kidding you (somehow). On the other, I also wanted to say that the amount of effort and features you’re putting into this is quite phenomenal Wanting to go through all that, knowing even just a little about what it takes to make a game (not even an editor!) is I believe beyond a simple ‘committment’. You are a superhero.
About to become legend if you manage to bring this to an end
No worries, I wouldn’t have done it in a decade so we can wait for a year or so. I’ll be still here to check it out (hopefully )
Thank you for your nice comment. I hope to be able to complete this project. That’s why it will be open source, so that later, others can contribute to make it evolve so that users can create pretty interesting browser games.